

Goals for 2023

Below are the goals I set at the beginning of 2023. To maintain growth in this craft, I like to set goals, especially in a list format. Here is the non-hierarchical outline.

  • Begin the compilation for a new book from Whitehorse

  • Find a subject in southern Alberta for a new book

  • Catch up on editing backlogged images

  • Host a photography workshop in Crowsnest Pass

    • I did not accomplish this, but I did gather information for the future.

  • Update portfolios and include a new category

  • Slow down my process and make fewer photos

  • Continue sharing new work

  • Produce another calendar

Reading List

In Progress

Completed in 2023

I enjoy grading the books I read on a 1-5 scale. Five is wonderful and highly recommended. Four is good, but there were some aspects I wish were different. Three is mostly enjoyable but I had some real challenges with either the concepts or style. Two means I had to trudge through it for the sake of completion or because someone really wanted me to read it and share my thoughts. If I read a book rated one, I have read all the good books in the world.