Unassuming Jessie Lake.

     This weeks featured image might be a little unexpected but I really enjoy it. If you're curious as to how I made it, I took 10 horizontal images and stitched them together into a vertical panorama. I love how the lone, old birch tree is isolated from the rest of the forest. Focusing on a single aspect of nature is really refreshing when I'm often trying to compose a complex landscape scene. Creatively, I like creating enormous files like this one but the problem is that not many people would purchase an image in this format. I'd love to see it printed from floor to ceiling or the height of a two story building or even a life size version of it. If you're interested in massive panoramas, let me know and I'd love to make it a reality. Below you'll also see another panorama of some of the other tree trunks around Jessie Lake. I was honestly surprised that in one trip around this seemingly unimpressive bird sanctuary, I was able to get such a variety of images. From the flowers to the epic clouds, I was constantly impressed with the conditions and environment around me. 

In grade 11 I bought my first dslr but I definitely sucked at it. There was no chance that I would have been caught outside my yard or in a place people would see me trying to seriously take photos. In grade 12 I was a little more audacious but still relatively bad at photography. Four years since leaving Bonnyville to go to college, I've returned with a lot more skill and knowledge in the art of photography so learning to see the region in a new way and light is a fun new challenge. Driving down back roads looking for unique scenes until you reach a dead end is one of my new favourite hobbies but when I see people hiking in the mountains I can't help but be a little jealous. Even though I love the mountains I think the more I find scenes hardly anyone knows about, I increasingly appreciate the unassuming nature of my home region. 

Thanks again for reading and be sure to click on the images to view them full size. As always, if you're not subscribed just put in your email and you'll be notified of a new post with a simple email. Have a great week! 



