Valentines Day & Elbow Falls.

     This is a bit of a throw back but I think it’ll be good to look back and remember what Celine and I did for our first married Valentines day. We started our day by sleeping in until 9, then we drove to Elbow Falls in Kananaskis where we walked around Elbow Falls and threw a bunch of snowballs! It was a lot of fun having Celine whipping snowballs at me while I was trying to get some photos of the waterfall. Of course I did my fair share of return fire but I’m pretty sure she hit me significantly more. After I finished taking photos and Celine ran out of snowballs, we headed back to Calgary for the surprise I planned that evening. We arrived at the dinner theatre and couldn’t have anticipated the hilariously, well-done play, Drinking Habits, that went along with the delectable food. After many laughs and a gluttonous amount of food we called it a night and headed back to Three Hills.

     You're probably wondering why there are some photos that seem to be from another time and you're right, the second set of images that don’t include snow are from a second visit to Elbow Falls I did with Paul. I definitely prefer the images from the second trip simply due to the light and blue skies but I think it highlights the sentiment of returning to the same spot over and over again. Hopefully while I’m living in Bonnyville I can find a few locations that I can make into memorable landmarks.


My Friend Isaiah.


My Friend Paul.