Speak in Loving Truth.

While I strive to share my thoughts, concerns, and opinions with wise discernment, I will also work toward strengthening and examining the foundations of my relationships.

I am prideful in trying to see multiple sides to everything. My attempts at avoiding duality may be valiant; however, they prevent me from speaking truthfully or earnestly at times. Concern for being too opinionated or misinformed persists. This hesitancy results in my thoughts being convoluted, and I often use this as a defence mechanism. If I can express multiple sides and be empathetic to them, I reduce the risk of conflict. I'm beginning to realize this is not as helpful as I once thought because it pushes the heart of the matter down the road until it is abundantly uncomfortable to confront.

I want to commit to speaking more directly but with language and context that is loving. I should not need to tiptoe around the truth with those I love and those who love me. If a relationship cannot withstand the confrontation with reality, there is likely an unhealthy foundation. At this realization, rebuilding is necessary for longevity. Arguably, my perspective may be biased. This objection is fair, at which point, the receiving party will have to trust that I am providing my honest thoughts after diligent discernment. The challenge is communicating concerns in the way of love that will be received positively by the other member. It does not matter how loving I think I am if the relationship does not continue. At this point, commitment and fidelity to one another are essential. Often this devotion is unspoken and built around a diversity of bonds. I am not confident communicating what makes relationships work, so I will avoid speculating and conclude here.

While I strive to share my thoughts, concerns, and opinions with wise discernment, I will also work toward strengthening and examining the foundations of my relationships. I encourage you to join me in speaking truthfully with those you care about most before it is detrimental.


Lady’s Slipper Calypso & Morels.


Embrace Questioning.