Personal Projects.

      One of the projects I wanted to do upon returning to Bonnyville was drive down every road within a half hour radius from town and create a memorable image from each one. I was naive to the hundreds of undiscovered, hidden roads but I thought it would make a fascinating collection of images. I attempted to get out as much as I could regardless of the conditions and push myself to create images that were unique to the region. Below are a few from Range Road 55 that I thought turned out pretty good for a rainy day. Now that the summer is over I'm going to realign my project to be a long term goal that I add on to every time I go out to shoot. I don't think I've found any location worth returning to repeatedly or with the title of 'signature spot', but I have my hopes up for one to come along!

      A few other ideas I have for personal projects are to offer small group photo workshops where I'd take people to a spot at sunrise or sunset and go through the process of making the most of any location in the area. Another one I have is to start a short documentary highlighting the thoughts people from around the region on environmental issues. Simply talk to the average person about potential concerns or non-concerns caused by oil and farming practices. I would hope to interview oil field companies, local businesses, farmers, and even people not immersed in either industry but somehow have been positively or negatively affected by either industry. 

     Of course any significant personal project is going to take an incredible amount of planning and organizing but the ideas are there so now it's just a matter of making time for them. Thanks for reading and if you have your own personal projects, ideas for mine, or want to partner with me, I'd love to hear from you! 


Ptarmigan Cirque.


Bonnyville Photographer.