Love Where You Are.


When I started photography, there was a drive to visit the most remote places to get images that might stand out. For a year, I had that opportunity and made some half-decent photos. I have grown to find the places I live to be my favourite subjects now. Tension arises when you do not love the place you live. Whitehorse brought an abundance of challenges into my life, which made caring about it difficult. The photos I made during our time there hold that tension of wanting to depict the natural beauty and wishing I was somewhere else many days.

Learning to love the place you live is a challenge at times. Regardless of where you end up, you will find problems. Looking for solutions to those problems helped me see the potential good and allowed me to assess if I wanted to be in that location long-term. Often many situations feel overwhelming, and this is where integrating into a community that can bring about changes is beneficial. When there are people in power who do not see the challenges or bring about more problems, it is the role of the public to find answers creatively.


Hello, Tree.


Yukon Quest.