Intentionally Walk A Path.

Am I simply following the path of most stimulation, haphazardly wandering from place to place, or am I purposeful and intentional about the paths I venture?

Nearly every day, I take my dog, Aspen, out for a walk. We sometimes change it up on the weekends and go skijoring, where she half-heartedly pulls me while I x-country ski. We adopted Aspen from the Bonnyville SPCA nearly five years ago, and ever since, I have had an additional purpose for going outside and being active. There are times when I leave the house with Aspen on a leash and my camera in hand with no clear direction of where to go. In these instances, I usually see where she will guide us. Unsurprisingly, she will choose the same path that we went on the previous day or this one trail where there are plenty of squirrels to chase. Although I am often unsure where we will end up with Aspen leading, we usually take the route that gives her the most stimulation. She naturally guides us with her canine senses, and as a result, I am out for at least an hour to observe two things I love; nature and my dog.

I share this short anecdote because it helps remind me to ask what is choosing or guiding my direction in life. Am I simply following the path of most stimulation, haphazardly wandering from place to place, or am I purposeful and intentional about the paths I venture? There are seasons where I have indulged in each of these modes of being. Once I realize the meaningless ways of spending my time, I refocus on what is essential and how I want others to remember me. The sooner one acknowledges that we have diverged from an altruistic path, the more likely a return will be manageable.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my work, and I would love to hear your thoughts either in the comments or by email.


Days, Weeks, Months, Years.


Two Weeks to Two Years.