An Image a Day.

     This weeks photos are from the random nights that I go out just chasing light. Each image is pretty unique in their styles but are all from around the Lakeland Region with very common elements that I've tried to make look interesting. Photography is a therapy for me and increasingly I'm questioning if I should be pursuing it as a career or just keep it as a therapy that I heavily incorporate into my life. Part of me ponders how awesome it would be to travel and get paid for photography but then the other part of me is really drawn to perfecting a different craft or occupation. I'm not exactly sure what that other thing would be but I continually doubt my capability of running a successful photography business. The draw to classic occupations that have been around for thousands, or hundreds of years fascinates me and I greatly respect people who are incredibly talented at something they've done for long periods of time.

     If you have any advice or life experiences that relate to my thoughts I'd love to hear from you! Part of me thinks that I would just get bored if I wasnt constantly struggling throuhg photography but it's hard to tell in the moment. Thanks again for reading and I'll be dropping posts down to once a week now. 


Bonnyville Photographer.


Work for it.