3 Planes, 3 Trains, & 1 Bus.

     The title of the post describes what it took for me to arrive in Badahoz Spain. Fortunately once I arrived my host Paul warmly greeted me along with my other team mate Craig. Overall Spain was spent primarily conversing with our hosts who are incredible people! They motivated and inspired me to do meaningful work in this world and I leaving after only a few short days was difficult! One day I hope to return and aid them in the work they are doing.

     At 1:00 AM Monday 14, 2015 our team met up in Madrid to fly out to Athens Greece. This is the second time I have been to Greece and so far it is still the country I enjoyed four years ago. However this time we are staying in a hostel in a rougher part of town rather than a nice hotel in a fancier location. I am not sure if I like it more or less but I do know that it gives a more honest view of the city and people. After arriving in Athens at 5:00 AM we waited for our hostel to let us in for a few hours and then went to explore the Acropolis. For the second time seeing it I was equally impressed and disappointed all at once. The scaffolding is still covering a large portion of it, which makes getting a nice photo very difficult. Later in the night, walking back from supper, we passed right through a political campaign being set up which was cool since the last time I was in Athens there were protests occurring. This Wednesday we were supposed to go to Corinth but due to some financial miscommunications we couldn’t and instead continued to discover fascinating locations in Athens. I will try to post as often as the wifi lets me! Thanks for reading and let me know what parts of the trip you want to hear about! Also share this with all your friends who want to see or read things about traveling!


Corinth & Corinthians, Egyptian Enigma, & Into Ethiopia.


Caleb & Breanna's Wedding