China: Day 4.

     The fourth day began with a pristine morning  and a two hour bus ride into the Tibetan Autonomous region. Initiating the beginning of a phenomenal photography filled day, we stopped at a mountain pass that held spiritual significance for the Tibetan Buddhist's in the area.

     Once we arrived at the trading outpost town (the name escapes me) we had some time to explore before lunch. This evidently meant going around and getting as many images of the fascinating culture as I could. Accompanied by Ron, Paul, and Zach, I approached various people with a fervent smile hoping they would oblige to our image seeking hunger. Fortunately, many complied as long as we showed them the photos after. In my opinion, seeing the reactions of the people after you just captured a spectacular photo of them was absolutely priceless! 

     After an interesting lunch (that I will elaborate on more in the next post) we went to a Buddhist monastery and then a Buddhist Nunnery. It was intriguing to observe how these people lived and how contrasting it was to the western culture I am so comfortable with. Throughout the trip I constantly had to be reminding myself that the oddities occurring around me were not necessarily wrong but simply different from what I am accustomed to. Overall I think this was one of my favourite days on the entire trip and allowed my perspective on Tibetan-Chinese culture to exponentially expand.


China: Day 5.


China: Day 3.