Mason Unrau

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10 Amazing Travel Photographers You Need to Know.

     While making this list I had a difficult time setting the final order but overall I based it on how well I visually connect with each photographers work. These are all big name photographers due to countless hours of shooting, marketing, editing, traveling, and working passionately on the craft. Needless to say they have worked hard to earn the recognition they deserve from fellow photographers and followers. In addition to that, they likely have never stopped working to advance their skills and abilities. It’s for this exact reason I love the pursuit of photography.


10. Rick Sammon 

     By no means does the tenth spot on this list reflect a legendary photographer like Rick Sammon. His impeccable images have a wide range of subjects that instantly make you want to elevate your photographic skills and explore our planet.   (Instagramricksammonphotography

9.    Scott Kelby

     Shortly after starting my pursuit of studying photography, I found Scott Kelby and became a regular viewer of his show, “The Grid,” on YouTube. In addition to being a brilliant educator, his travel images are immaculate and reflect technical perfection.   (Instagram - scottkelby)

8.    Art Wolfe

     Not only is Art Wolfe an astonishing photographer, he is also an accomplished author who has published a multitude of books. After flipping through, “Migrations: Wildlife in Motion,” his drive to push the creative boundaries to another level became obvious.   (Instagram - artwolfe)

7.    Paul Zizka

     One of the many photographers I first discovered on Instagram is Paul Zizka. His vibrant, bold, attention-demanding, landscape photographs are some of the best I’ve ever seen. Each new image he releases makes me envious of the location and in awe of how beautiful our planet is.   (Instagram - paulzizkaphoto)

6.    Cory Richards

     National Geographic Photographer, Cory Richards, creates images that allow you to empathize with the environment. Climates ranging from smoke filled temples, frigid sea diving, and sub-zero blizzards are just a few of the scenarios he has endured to get the breathtaking shot.   (Instagram - coryrichards)

The photos below are of the photographers, ordered from 10-1.

5.    Ron Nickel

     Quite simply, I owe almost everything I know about professional photography to Ron. Not only was he my instructor throughout college, but also a mentor. From working as his personal assistant on photo-shoots, to sitting in class listening to him passionately teach invaluable, information, I highly respect him and the imagery he produces. Ron's impressive client list directly reflects how his photography has impacted societies around the globe and initiated genuine change for the better.   (Instagram - rknickel)

4.    David duChemin

     Based in Victoria, BC, Canada, David duChemin is a photographer I started following early in my photography journey. His most recent video project on YouTube, called Vision is Better, continues that learning process while he journey’s to all ends of the planet creating captivating images.   (Instagram - davidduchemin)

3.    Steve McCurry

     You might be surprised that such an iconic name is third on my list but I thought it would be too easy to place him as number one. After making one of the most popular images in the world, Afghan Girl, he continues to produce unbelievable images that allow you to deeply connect with the subject.   (Instagram - stevemccurryofficial)

2.    Joey L.

     Known for his superb portrait work, Joey L. came to be one of my favourite photographers after seeing his behind the scenes video with the guerrilla fighters of Kurdistan. The style and lighting in his images are just as incredible as the stories unfolding.  (Instagram - joeyldotcom)

1.    Jimmy Nelson

     Jimmy Nelson is one of those outrageously, talented photographers I originally found on Instagram. I was instantly blown away by his photographs of various people groups around the world.  The poses and processing in every image are perplexing with an instantaneous, intrinsic, curiosity of how that fraction of a second came to be.  (Instagram - jimmy.nelson.official)


     I hope you enjoyed my list of “10 Amazing Travel Photographers You Need to Know. You may not view some people on the list as 'travel photographers' but they all travel to make the jaw dropping photographs we love. I strongly encourage you to take time to check out each of these photographer’s websites and any other projects or causes they are working on.  Who are your favourite travel photographers? Are there any other photographers you think deserve to be on the list? Let me know! 

Mason Unrau

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